Goal Met! Goal Met! Goal Met! February 13, 2015 11:05
We exceeded 100% of our Phase 1 Goal!!!!!!!
We asked you to band together to help us reach a phase one goal of $90,800 and prove the Children's Park of Georgia was needed and wanted. We have been thrilled by the overwhelming support for this very special park. We were so encouraged by the many emails, phone calls and messages of what the park will mean to people.
We are so overjoyed to announce that thanks to very generous donations this week from the Service League of Cherokee County and the Ball Ground Business and Community Association, we have met the full $25,000 grant match and surpassed our goal to reach $90,961!!!
Praise the Lord! It has been amazing to see how everything has come together in perfect timing. Look for more exciting updates soon!! We are so excited for the future of the Children’s Park of Georgia!!